Copy Any File:Picture:Document:Text
The ‘Copy Paste Software’ has so many potential uses that it’s impossible to list them all. You just don’t realize how many times you need to paste in text that’s already been deleted from your clipboard.Perhaps the greatest thing of all about this ‘Copy Paste Software’ is the wide variety of computer users who can benefit and save time by using it. We are yet to find a company or industry that doesn’t need to perform multiple copying and pasting tasks whilst performing work on their computers. We invite you to join the growing numbers of users who are now reaping the time saving rewards that this program provides. Do you find yourself falling into one of the industries below and stand to gain great benefits too?
Small Business Owners Secret Weapon
Running a small business is about efficiency and if you’re wasting time recopying text from emails and Word files just so you can paste it again then you’re wasting time.Why not join the thousands of small business owners who are now utilising this ‘Copy Paste Software’ to save them time was performing the everyday computer tasks that are associated with running a small business. If you’re a small business owner then you know that time equals money and all those small increments of time quickly add up. There are no ongoing fees with this software and small business owners can benefit for years to come. This program works in the background no matter what business program you may be working in. You can copy and paste multiple things inside of any business software that you may be using to run your business.
A Bookkeeping and Accounting ‘Must Have’
Incredibly there are still accountants & bookkeepers today that are still copying & pasting one thing at a time from Excel & other accounting programs. Accountants stand to gain about an hour a day using this software.If there’s one thing that’s difficult to remember it is strings of random numbers. Sometimes when you fail to paste in the correct text you can simply just retype it rather than go back and copy it again because you remember what the line of text was. You cannot do this with strings of numbers because it is just too difficult. What’s much easier is simply opening up your clipboard with a shortcut key and finding the number that you copied a while ago is there and ready to be pasted in to the required field again. This program works perfectly and silently in the background of all accounting programs and all spreadsheet programs like Excel.
Crucial for Web Designers and Seo Gurus
How many times do Web Designer have to recopy snippets of code and url address? Hundreds of times a day! It’s super productive when you can call up a piece of code you copied hours ago.Web Designers and Seo specialists spend all day creating and promoting online. Dependent on the project, the amount of times they copy and paste throughout the day can run into the hundreds. If your copying and pasting hundreds of times a day then you’d be making at least 30 copy paste errors in a day and that’s not counting how many times you’d need to re-paste a snippet of information or file or picture that is no longer on your clipboard any more. This means that you have to waste time and go back and re-copy it again. Getting access to the little code snippets that you copied hours ago is now a breeze.
Essential for Writers and Emailing
It’s the everyday computer users who need this ‘Copy Paste Software’ the most. If you’re checking emails and typing in word then you are copying & pasting. And if you’re doing that it means your making mistakes that this software can prevent.There’s not a single person who uses a computer that hasn’t had to go back to another email tab to re-copy more text because they couldn’t copy the text all at once the first time as they only needed to copy the e-mail address. This backwards workflow technique is now obsolete. Copy as many things as you want now, while you stay on the same page. Then when you have all the information you need go to whatever page or program you want and paste in all those text snippets one at a time without having to leave the page again. Professional writers often face the same dilemma and find themselves opening and closing pages just a re-copy certain paragraphs of text again. When using ‘Copy Paste Software’, everything that they have previously copied can be accessed in less than one second.